Emplex, based in Datchet, Berkshire, provides employment law advice to local businesses and private clients at competitive rates.Our team of highly qualified lawyers specialise in all aspects of employment law issues including:
Resolving issues without recourse to the tribunals is clearly a speedier and cost effective solution for all concerned . Emplex can facilitate solutions where both sides are willing to engage in a process of mediation.
Read moreWhen there is a transfer of ownership of a business or a service provision change, the law protects the rights of affected employees. Emplex provides sound practical advice to employers and employees on the right to consultation and other TUPE requirements.
Read moreThese procedures can be gruelling for both employers and employees. Emplex can provide clear effective policies and guidance to help employers through the process and can also assist individuals who find themselves facing a disciplinary matter or who want to raise a grievance.
Read moreWhether you are presenting or defending a claim at Tribunal the process can be daunting. Emplex can provide clear guidance, support and cost effective representation in presenting or defending a claim. The aim is to resolve any matter at the earliest opportunity and avoid the need for a full hearing.
Read moreThe law in relation to unlawful discrimination has expanded in recent years to include a number of ‘protected characteristics’. Whether you are an employer or employee, understanding whether any treatment of an employee on the grounds of gender, age, disability, race, sexual orientation, religion or belief, pregnancy and maternity, marriage or civil partnership and gender reassignment is or could be unlawful is important.
Read moreIn times of economic uncertainty redundancy is all too common. If redundancies are necessary employers must operate a fair process including consultation and fair selection to avoid any challenge from affected staff. For employees facing redundancy, understanding your rights is important to ensure that you are treated fairly.
Read moreWhen an employee is about to be, or has been dismissed, it is often a legal and emotional minefield for employees and employers. Emplex can provide guidance and advice on how this can be done correctly as well as advising individuals of their options if they face dismissal or if their employment has ended.
Read moreWhen an employment relationship is coming to an end a Settlement Agreement setting out the terms on which the employment will end is often an effective way of ensuring a swift, clean termination. It is important to ensure that any Settlement Agreement document is legal and protects the interests of employees and employers.
Read moreThe employment contract is the cornerstone of the employment relationship. It has to meet certain legal minimums and is generally linked to a company handbook. Getting this right at the start and understanding the implications is critical to an effective working relationship.
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